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Candice B. Limper

Candice B. Limper


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Candice B. Limper

As a first-generation college student, I have been on a self-propelling path. I grew up in a family that did not understand the value of higher education. To say the least, graduating high school was a massive achievement.


With a thirst to know more about the world around me, I pursued an undergraduate degree at CSU Chico. Not knowing what I wanted to do with this training seemed like a setback at the time, but this allowed me the liberty to pursue my career interests. 


I had to figure out what was worth "the hike." 


During a year break from school, after undergrad, I thought that obtaining more education equated to potentially having a broader impact on the world. So I applied to graduate school. And I'm glad that I did.


Soon after, California State University, Los Angeles accepted me into a graduate program. Here, I did research with Dr. Nathan Lanning and while working in his lab, I was also a LSAMP-BD scholar. Not only did I learn a ton about research but I also learned about applying to graduate school. I am incredibly grateful for this LSAMP-BD program; they helped demystify the application process.


A combination of my research experience, LSAMP's contribution to my career trajectory, and the desire to mentor others motivated me to start this website. 





Limper Science




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