My name is Justin Limper. My wife is Candice Limper. I did not grow up as a first-generation college student. My mom attended her local community college, went to CSU, Chico to get her RN degree and started a masters program in Washington. My dad got his undergrad degree from CSU, Chico and attended UC, Davis.
It was a given for me to attend college. I decided on CSU, Chico. College was talked about growing up, from grandparents and relatives. My parents were emotionally and financially supportive. My grandparents had also saved $100 every birthday in savings bonds which matured, grew, and initially helped with tuition costs.
I have seen the difficulties first-generation college students must go through. The lack of understanding and support from family is a major one. Also, the stress of knowing you don't have anyone to go to for financial aid can be overwhelming.
Having a shared resource like this for first-generation students, students from minority backgrounds or even students from low-income families can come together and benefit from LimperScience.org. You may be one of these things, two of them, or all of them. You are not alone. There are others who have succeeded from where you stand. Ask questions, find resources, make friends, contribute, and learn from others.
Justin T. Limper
Alicia Brunson
Naya Eady
Liz Zamora
Dr. Luisa F. Torres
and more . . .