Samuel M. Goodfellow
Samuel is a blogger
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Growing up, I did not identify as a first-generation college student, but have helped several of my friends who are, succeed in their educational goals. My mother obtained her Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Biology at California State University(CSU), Stanislaus while my dad graduated with his high school degree. I initially began at Merced Community College for financial purposes while working full-time to pursue an X-Ray Technician career. Throughout my childhood though, I was exposed to Biology thankfully to my mom who also is an educator at both the Community College and as a 2nd grade elementary teacher. Through her hard work and diligence, along with my natural curiosity and thirst for knowledge, I transferred to CSU Stanislaus and obtained a B.S. in Biological Sciences following in her footsteps. As an undergraduate, I performed research in population genetics studying the California ground squirrel’s dispersal patterns and genetic migration. Although field research was amazing, my passion resided in wet lab work at a bench while hoping to pursue biomedical research studies in diseases. My specific research focus is to investigate cell signaling mechanisms in cancer-related tissues. I am expected to finish my Master’s and pursue a PhD program this upcoming Fall, 2018.
I have always been actively involved in community outreach and mentorship programs. Being a leader has allowed satisfaction into my life as I only want to give and provide opportunities that weren’t equally available. Coming from a low-socioeconomic background, I lived and witnessed several gaps through the educational system for first-generation students and seen several misinformed students unaware of higher education possibilities. Limper Sciences offers a unique, one-stop shop opportunity for those who are confused through the process of obtaining a career in STEM. Being a part of this is a unique opportunity in which I hope you all find enjoyable and helpful is the least someone from my stature can offer. I’ve been there, I’ve been lost and confused, not knowing what the next step is or what graduate school could be a good fit. We are here to help you, are you ready?
Samuel M. Goodfellow
Alicia Brunson
Naya Eady
Liz Zamora
Dr. Luisa F. Torres
and more . . .